San Diego,CA- Miracle Theatre Productions is back with Robert Dubac’s One Man Show being performed at the San Diego Rep’s Lyceum Theatre. I was invited by one of the associate producers David Carson and Marie Miller who is doing some of the ground promotion work.
2nd Coming Covers everything from his own warped vision of Men are from Mars women are from Venus relationship stand up type material to some more fun liberal and social political rants.
He immediately engages us in the first act by embracing a typical stand up comedic cadence and look. Guy on a bar stool in a suit talking to the crowd. Which slowly transitions into a one-man show by the introduction of characters.
The 2nd Coming is all about the 2nd Act, Robert Dubac shines brightly in the throws of his fresh material. It seemed like a different show and the transition was more than obvious. When he’s on Robert takes us along for the ride with him rather than just performing. I hope that Robert can blend the first and second act a bit more in these upcoming weeks because then the show is highly thought provoking and entertaining.
I had to ask myself what is the difference between a one-man show and Stand Up Comedy. I believe the difference is DRAMA. A One Man Show effectively goes beyond stand up or the street and can take you to a different place.
The performer has the ability to take the audience through more layers of emotions. When you do stand up comedy, essentially your job is to make people laugh and then laugh again. You can get angry and be funny, you make fun of yourself and others and we release that through laughter, but the bottom line is we watch to laugh. In a one-man show the performer is given the grace of time and move us to other places. It is when Robert Dubac takes advantage of this time is when he shines.
I hope you get a chance to catch the show and comment.
David Kamatoy is an Entertainer and Entrepreneur that works with media and business development projects. Check out and he can be reached by emailing him from
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