Multi-Creative Entrepreneur: Producer and Juggler, both figuratively and literally. TV, Film and Radio Producer. Host of " Show" Entertainment, E-Marketing, CRM, Content Marketing, Musician, Tenor
Craig G. Francis joined us on The Big Biz Show further proving his unique expertise on SBA Loan. I think one the most immpressive things about Craig is that he ccan talk about getting deals funded in the real world. If you deal only with the BANK you pretty much have only one side and one example of the deal.
San Diego, CA - (Press Release) SBA loan expert Craig G. Francis appears on The Big Biz Show with Bob “Sully” Sullivan to discuss the SBA, loans and the economy. Francis, who has over thirty year of experience in the loan industry, has brokered over 2500 business loans for over $1 billion in funding. He will be joining The Big Biz Show on a regular basis to share his knowledge and understanding of how the business owners and entrepreneurs can take advantage of SBA-guaranteed loans.
“It’s like two people getting married. I’m the matchmaker” 0Craig G. Francis on brokering SBA loans
There are many misconceptions about how SBA loans work, and Francis has the experience and knowledge of the process to help dispel them. Asked what the two biggest myths about SBA loans are, Francis explained that people believe that the federal government makes loans and that the paperwork is burdensome. Both of which could not be farther from the truth.
As Francis explains on The Big Biz Show, the SBA “has never really changed in any major fashion in the last 50 years. What they want to do is get the banks to provide loans to small businesses - that’s their charter.” The SBA does this by providing a guarantee of a portion of loans made by member banks through the process, rather than actually lending money.
As to the myth of heavy paperwork, Francis discounts this completely: “Your SBA loan package can be done with less paperwork to get an answer than a residential loan. And I’ve seen some residential loans.”
The importance of the SBA is this relationship it helps to develop between businesses and banks. “It is a synergistic thing.” Francis explains. “It brings banks, it brings the business owners and it brings the SBA backing the whole thing; and it’s worked well for 50+ years.”
The difficulties arise in knowing how to match the right small business or start-up with the right bank in a way that meets the heavy criteria placed on lenders by federal regulators. As Francis points out, many of the biggest companies today, including FedEx and Nike, started out with SBA funding. “It’s emblematic of what SBA can do at the right time and right place,” he says.
After more than 30 years in lending, Francis knows how to make that relationship work. “It’s a secret,” he says, “but it’s not a big secret. I just happened to have figured out a few ways to massage things to get them to happen.”
“It’s like two people getting married,” Francis says of the process. “I’m the matchmaker.”
In order to help business owners and the general public to better understand the role of the SBA, Francis will be appearing on The Big Biz Show on a regular basis to explain such elements as who would need an SBA loan, the process of applying and how to decide if an SBA loan is the right fit. Viewers and listeners will be able to send in questions about SBA loans, the loan process and what it takes to start a business.
Craig G. Francis is the owner of Francis Financial and The SBA Loan Store. He has been a top producer of SBA Loans since 1981, and has worked with Dun & Bradstreet and Bank of Commerce. Craig Francis has the expertise to steer clients through the often confusing rules and regulations associated with SBA Loans, having helped over 2,500 businesses acquire over a billion dollars in loans. He can be contacted through,, on LinkedIn, or at 888-666-9722.
Just in time for re-election, President Obama and the House GOP
are battling over how to make the small business arena more friendly. If you read below some of the coverage from our associate Craig G. Francis you’ll see the trend has been a lot of noise with little result.
PAY ATTENTION because as the climate changes for small business and entrepreneurs it will effect opportunity and how projects are moving and expanding.
Generally speaking I am optimistic about the battle because it's the part of the puzzle that makes sense in order to get the economy going in the right direction. But I think we need to be part of the conversation.
The administration and the GOP have interesting decisions to make because we need help in the small business world but when it happens who is going to take credit for it and can we really wait longer for any sort of changes....probably not.
That being said I am going to cover with the help of my entrepreneur pals some of the proposed changes...
The newest...
Tuesday President Barack Obama talked about changing the corporate tax rate. 25% for manufacturing 28% for others vs. the 35% top corp tax rate.
Here are a few articles and please post your opinions on the blog.
Small business has felt the brunt of misses in this bailout era. While the Obama Administration bailed out Wall Street, the banks and the auto industry, many in the small business community we’re saying, “Hey, what about us?”
A glimmer of hope happened with the issuing of the Small Business Lending Fund, but that basically failed as well. Dedicating $30 billion to small banks to loan to small business seemed like a great idea. However, the reality is that only about $4 billion was issued due to the amount of paperwork and regulations. Then much of the $4 billion that the banks borrowed to supposedly lend to small businesses was instead used to pay back TARP funds. Yes, the actual bailout. Again, many of us in the small business community said, “REALLY?”
Blog This w/ David Kamatoy returns with a brand new virtual set, new music and solid content. If you're an entrepreneur, entertainer or e-markter. This is the show to watch. Please RT, Tweet, Digg, Like and of course BLOG THIS.
With 2010 finally over, everyone seems to feel the need to look back over the year that was. Here at Kamatoy Media Group we are no different, and because of our strong connection with small businesses we decided to go to our own small business and SBA loan expert, Craig G. Francis, for his thoughts on this very busy year. We wanted to know what he thought about the year in business, politics, and the economy, and Craig was more than happy to oblige. In our first post we talked about the top small business stories on his list; our second post was devoted to the economy. Today we finish with Craig’s thoughts on politics in 2010 and what he sees ahead for 2011.
David Kamatoy: Last year was a banner year for political speculation, with the rise of the Tea Party, the seemingly unending contentions in Congress, and the results of the midterm elections. Out of everything that happened in Washington and across the political landscape, what three events would you rate the most important?
Craig G. Francis: The midterm elections were certainly a major story. The House is in the hands of some allegedly mature people who've committed themselves to repudiation of the worst of the last two years. It is going to take years and a full change-out of the present political culture to realize these able politicians’ best hopes. And that is if they can keep their heads in the middle of the Beltway mentality. Few politicians can resist drinking the Kool Aid of power.
We do not have much wiggle room or time given the fact that our national debt is approaching $15 trillion dollars and growing by $1.2 trillion a year. If our national debt exceeds our GDP we will face a Greece-like debt burden that will change everything we know today. Interest rates will skyrocket. Loans will be prohibitively expensive. Tax revenues will plunge. Business sales and profit margins will evaporate and unemployment will rocket upwards. We will yearn for the days of financial malaise that characterized the Carter presidency. At least we had Reagan to help us out of that mess.
Inflation could easily hit 10-15% as we print increasingly devalued FIAT CURRENCY with Quantitative Easing II, IV and V, while inflating ourselves into insolvency. EVERY country in the history of mankind that debased their currency created the double barreled blast of inflation and economic ruin. Google that and see what comes up.
Even with the changes in the House of Representatives we are not in safe waters. Congress and the president have not done anything in the last 2 years to help with the job situation or programs to allow business owners some certainty in the years ahead. The best we can expect from a divided government is gridlock. In these fiscally uncertain times, this is not a healthy situation.
The Tea Party is a growing force in the political landscape but the changes needed to make inroads to fiscal responsibility will require draconian measures. This will require a complete change of power in the House, Senate and Presidency plus a fiscally responsible cadre of citizen politicians at the state and local level.
If this scares you, so be it. I'm also scared by what I see and am not confident that the Tea Party candidates can reverse our present course in short order. My business and financial well being is as much on the line as anyone else’s. It will take enormous courage and will to make progress in this present time of troubles.
David Kamatoy: Now that we have survived 2010, most of us are looking ahead to 2011 with at least a modicum of hope. Where do you see things going in the new year? How much of an impact will the Republican majority in the House have on the direction of the government and the economy? And do you think the economy will make as much of a recovery as the President seems to believe?
Craig G. Francis: You posed the question with the wording “survived 2010.” Yes, we survived. And we will survive the economic problems that will certainly occur without stringent and harsh measures needed to get our fiscal ship back on course. We will survive into the future. We are not going to die and eat worms, but it will be bleak. But survival is not the optimum strategy, since entrepreneurs are by their nature optimistic, nearly at a myopic level. And we need optimism from the small business owners community.
So here is what I have to say to business owners anywhere who are reading this. I think we are in for a long period of economic stagnation with little hope for business owners, either budding or established. I am NOT optimistic, and this is due directly to the government policies of the last 4 years and longer. We hired these jackwagons and they have given us what we have now. Unless we are willing to remove them from office, we will get exactly what they are providing us today and that is outlined in previous discussions.
David Kamatoy: So to sum it up, what do you say to small business owners and entrepreneurs on the climate in general in the new year?
Craig G. Francis: Well, David, here is what I expect.
Some business owners will accept what I say and not start or grow their business. And that is probably wise since they should not bet their farm on a "land of Oz” optimism of improving business environments. They will not have the financial OR emotional resources to deal with the rough parts that they will inevitably face in the next 5 years. Stay the course and wait for the right time to start your business or expand the company with debt and new employees.
Some business owners, card-carrying members of the starry-eyed school of entrepreneurial optimism, will tell me I am full of beans. And I hope I am wrong in my prognostications. I take no pleasure in saying what I have outlined already. I have an overabundance of optimism because I have run my business successful and profitably through the best and worst of economic times from 1981 to the present day. And I have NOT given up hope. But I will not delude myself into thinking it is going to be easy. It is going to be a hell of a slog
I spend most of my days studying and reading the economic tea leaves and I am not left with an abundance of confidence that we can work our way out of this fine mess without measures so severe they will make the Great Depression look like a cake walk.
But I am also a Reaganite sort of business owner and think and hope our best days are ahead of us. We have always worked our way out of our self-made messes and moved onwards and upwards. So I say to the optimistic entrepreneurs among us, “Slog on and take those challenges.” No one said it would be easy. It won't be. It is never easy for the business owner. But it is worth it!
David Kamatoy: Craig, thank you for your time and your insights. Best wishes to you in 2011.
Craig G. Francis: Thank you, David, and the same to you.
Craig G. Francis is the owner of Francis Financial and The SBA Loan Store. He has been a top producer of SBA Loans since 1981 and has worked with Dun & Bradstreet and Bank of Commerce. Craig Francis has the expertise to steer clients through the often confusing rules and regulations associated with SBA Loans, having helped over 2,000 businesses acquire over a billion dollars in loans. He can be contacted through,, on LinkedIn, or at 888-666-9722.
With 2010 finally over, everyone seems to feel the need to look back over the year that was. Here at Kamatoy Media Group we are no different, and because of our strong connection with small businesses we decided to go to our own small business and SBA loan expert, Craig G. Francis, for his thoughts on this very busy year. We wanted to know what he thought about the year in business, politics, and the economy, and Craig was more than happy to oblige. In our first post we talked about the top small business stories on his list. Today we move on to the economy.
David Kamatoy: The economy, of course, was a major source of stories during 2010. I realize that many of those stories cross over into both small business and politics, but what three stories do you see as having the greatest impact this past year?
Craig G. Francis: If these responses provide small cheer there is reason for this. I have a 35-year perspective to draw from. If a budding entrepreneur thinks the waters are getting warmer because the stock market is up and SBA loans are increasing, they may be in for a shock. The statistics that point to rapid recovery are not here.
First of all, political will and economic quick fixes emanating from D.C. notwithstanding, the economy will take AT LEAST 5 years to absorb the excess population of unemployeds as well as provide jobs for the population growth in this country. This time line is realistic if we do not bankrupt the country with deficit spending. And if China does not stop buying our debt unless rates double or triple. The economy is driven by the consumers and they are not healthy despite the small orgy of Christmas 2010 spending. Aside from state and federal hiring, nothing will increase employment rates in short order.
Some of the stats that tell me we are at least 3 and possibly 5 years from recovery are as follows:
The Savings and loan failure of the mid 1980's cost the government about $150,000,000,000 in bailout funds
The economic recession of the early 1990's coupled with the failure of nearly 1,000 banks cost the government about $500,000,000,000 in bailout funds
This Great Recession is responsible for the collapse of Wall Street, the failure of over 300 banks to date and $4,000,000,000,000 in bailout funds spent to date.
Seems like the cost of bailing us out has increased by several orders of magnitude.
Second of all, the inventory of foreclosed homes, those with underwater loan-to-values and those whose owners will default this year, is at an unprecedented level. The clearing of inventory will require another 20-30% drop in prices as banks and consumers rid themselves of this residential dead weight. The consumer-driven economic boom from 1998 to 2006 stemmed from the 15% annual price rise in homes. This boom in prices made consumers feel wealthy and they spent that wealth. The subsequent contraction in home prices made consumers who still had jobs feel poorer, and that has crushed the economy. Approximately $15 trillion in personal and corporate net worth evaporated in the last 4 years. This is about 20% of the entire net worth of this country. Adios Dinero.
When the US Government is $14,000,000,000,000 (yes, trillion) in debt and climbing, while facing $200,000,000,000,000 in unfunded mandates of citizen expectations for Social security and medical care, we will not soon see a recovery to match our expectations of wealth created in the last 25 years. The governments, both state and federal, are vast sucking black holes of fiscal ineptitude and bureaucratic sloth inexorably bankrupting the country and its citizens. Sorry about the bad news Mrs Lincoln, but how was that play?
Finally, if you plan to start or build your business know this - in the last four rough patches from 1975 until 2006, it took about 2-3 years to recover. In this Depression it will take at least 6-8 years to recover. And that is only if we do not have some sort of economic retracement due to an unforeseen event. Proceed cautiously if starting your firm. Take care in growth plans. Be absolutely certain you do not start or outgrow your capital in uncertain times. Make sure your expansion capital is in place BEFORE you begin your business or expand operations. Do not expect ANY sort of bailout or helping hand from anyone, most particularly any government. They are broke and spend most of our tax dollars feeding Sponge Bob and the Mooch class.
Even if your personal optimism, the hallmark of all entrepreneurs, is at high level, it is easy to overlook the economic, regulatory and financial land mines that litter the field. Form alliances or confederations of like-minded people to make sure you have as much of the intelligence that will help you guide your business as possible. Get involved in local and regional politics and use the business owner resources and alliances you have forged to force changes at all levels of government.
David Kamatoy: In our last post we will talk with Craig G. Francis about politics in 2010 and what he sees ahead for 2011.
Craig G. Francis is the owner of Francis Financial and The SBA Loan Store. He has been a top producer of SBA Loans since 1981 and has worked with Dun & Bradstreet and Bank of Commerce. Craig Francis has the expertise to steer clients through the often confusing rules and regulations associated with SBA Loans, having helped over 2,000 businesses acquire over a billion dollars in loans. He can be contacted through,, on LinkedIn, or at 888-666-9722.
With 2010 finally over, everyone seems to feel the need to look back over the year that was. Here at Kamatoy Media Group we are no different, and because of our strong connection with small businesses we decided to go to our own small business and SBA loan expert, Craig G. Francis, for his thoughts on this very busy year. We wanted to know what he thought about the year in business, politics, and the economy, and Craig was more than happy to oblige. So today we begin a series of Q&A sessions with Craig G. Francis on the year that was and the year that is to be.
David Kamatoy: First, Craig, thank you for taking time at the beginning of the new year to talk to us.
Craig G. Francis: My pleasure, David.
David Kamatoy:To start off, Craig, what would you consider the top three small business stories from 2010, and why would you choose each of them?
Craig G. Francis: Well first, David, there was not a lot to cheer about in 2010. The economy, regulations and financial matters are still keeping small business down. The lack of consumer confidence is holding down business growth and profits. The state and federal governments are still running multi-trillion dollar deficits and we see more to come.
The business community is struggling to gain some traction in the minefield of uncertainty stemming from the lack of genuine concern for, and even active opposition to, the small business sector by the political elites. This is largely reflected in the jobs market. Unemployment is stalled at a high of 10% with another 7% who have given up. Small business creates jobs and retains them. So this measure of the businesses tells me that they are not healthy at this time.
Given these conditions, businesses can give a small cheer to the extension of lower taxes for individuals and small corporations. Even though the extension is only for 2 years, it allows the entrepreneurs to cope with one less problem and hope that the extensions will be made permanent by the new members of the Congress. This then may allow the business owners to make long-term plans and hire additional employees, while investing capital that has been sidelined during the first two uncertain years of the Obama Administration.
The second story is the slow opening of the lending spigots to the small business community. Coming from a complete lock down of capital of this lending sector in the latter part of 2008, banks are starting to provide the needed capital for growth to the entrepreneurs of this country. The SBA fee reductions and higher guaranties for small businesses, that segment that represents the greatest portion of job creation, has proven to be a great help to the banks’ comfort level in lending to the small business sector.
The third story is the great potential for repudiation of some of the worst sections of Obamacare and the executive decisions that are diametrically opposed to business health. This job-killing machine is being shown in all its destructive glory and even some of the most ardent fans of government health care are recoiling from this economic Hydra. These sorts of regulations could easily add 20% to the cost of employees, making our businesses unprofitable and even unable to compete on the international level.
David Kamatoy: In our next post we will talk with Craig G. Francis about his top economic stories of 2010 and where he sees things going in 2011.
Craig G. Francis is the owner of Francis Financial and The SBA Loan Store. He has been a top producer of SBA Loans since 1981, and has worked with Dun & Bradstreet and Bank of Commerce. Craig Francis has the expertise to steer clients through the often confusing rules and regulations associated with SBA Loans, having helped over 2,000 businesses acquire over a billion dollars in loans. He can be contacted through,, on LinkedIn, or at 888-666-9722.
With the passage and signing into law of the Small Business Jobs Bill, it seemed an appropriate time to get back with SBA Loan broker Craig G. Francis. In this email interview I asked Craig for his thoughts on the various parts of the bill and how they might affect the country’s economy.
David Kamatoy: We have been waiting for passage of the Small Business Jobs Bill for some time now. What do you think the real reasons behind the holdup were?
Craig G. Francis: The real reason for the delay in passing the bill was that the Republicans did not want to give Barak Obama a win for business that he could crow about. Until the Democrats got the one filibuster proof vote from Sen Voinovich, they could not ram it through. Chalk it up to politics as usual and the $3 trillion dollar agenda of progressive bills that had to come first. Businesses are an afterthought. In general, business owners won’t vote for the Democrats.
David Kamatoy: Now that this Bill has been signed into law, how long do you think it will be before we see real results?
Craig G. Francis:Real results started taking place 3 months before the bill was passed as 7(a) and 504 borrowers got into the reduced fee queue to get some of the stimulus money. From what I heard, the stimulus money started to be made available this week. How large an effect it will have can’t be measured precisely, but there were probably tens of thousands of jobs to be created that were hanging in limbo. SBA lending is all about creating jobs.
SBA lending is all about creating jobs.
David Kamatoy: What do you think will be the most beneficial portion of the Bill? What element of this Bill will have the strongest positive effect on the economy?
Craig G. Francis:If we can quantify the effect in real time, the best we can expect is that business owners will see this bill passage as a sign that the government supports the expansion of businesses. Entrepreneurs are eternal optimists; that is their nature. But encouraging signs from any quarter can give the businessman or woman the needed boost in economic confidence to get started and moving again.
The most beneficial aspect of the bill is the reduction in SBA fees. Just the loan costs alone could pay for one employee.
The other important benefit is the 90% guaranty, a level of SBA backing that may get some banks off the fence. If their risk window is 10% of a loan versus 25%, or $100,000 versus $250,000 on a $1,000,000 loan, that could allow some of the banks with strained capital bases to make loans. Besides which, the premium on the 7(a) loan is about 10%, so the income from that premium would nearly cover the risk window. Making SBA loans may allow the bank to provide capital without the heavy hand of the federal regulators questioning their loan portfolio or motives in making loans to the riskier small business field.
David Kamatoy: Opponents have warned that this Bill is “TARP Junior” – how accurate do you think that assessment is?
Craig G. Francis:The “TARP Junior” label applies to the government funding of a secondary market for the 504 loans. Yes, there will be some oversight and control involved in that, but to a lesser degree than the first round of TARP. If the bank decides making a pact with the devil is worth it, they will sign on - or not - as the case might be.
David Kamatoy: There have been suggestions that banks may not be willing to tap into the $30 billion fund because they are concerned what the long-term ramifications would be. Could you explain just what these banks are worried about?
Craig G. Francis:The long-term ramifications may be further control of the bank, dividends to be paid to the government, and potential management oversight by the government for those who take these funds. It is a time to be cautious in these matters as the long reach of the government and its intentions for good or ill are to be carefully scrutinized. Think about the camel and its nose in your tent.
David Kamatoy: Do you think that there is really a market for the $30 billion in funds that the Bill provides, or are businesses more concerned with survival than with expansion right now?
Craig G. Francis:There is a large market for the $30,000,000,000 which can be leveraged 10 to 1. Smaller banks who could not portfolio the 504 first-trust deed, or who dealt with a client whose loan could not be sold to the presently-established secondary market, may find this arrangement very attractive. Bear in mind, that despite this economic rough patch, banks still have to lend. And compete. If their fellow bankers jump on board by using these funds and beat their lending neighbors, this could create a rush to the funds that would help the business owners, if for no more reason than the community bank can offload a risky loan to the secondary market, gain an account relationship, and garner a market sale premium of as much as 6 percent. Good money if you can get it. Think of it as a financial cattle call for lenders. Some eat well and some get trampled. And even more get turned into hamburger.
David Kamatoy: What is it about the $30 billion lending portion that concerns bankers?
Craig G. Francis:The bankers are concerned about the government control and oversight for the $30,000,000,000, particularly if these funds provide an avenue to taking some small amount of control over the bank, its lending preferences, and the geographical priorities of the bank. In other words, who they lend to and where they lend.
David Kamatoy: How will the increased limits on SBA loans benefit the businesses community and the economy?
Craig G. Francis: To some extent, $30,000,000 seems like a drop in the bucket. But in the past the SBA provided between 30-50% of all long-term financing to the small business community and did so with low risk to the banks and government. Small business owners and entrepreneurs can stretch a buck farther than Ebenezer Scrooge.
David Kamatoy: There have been suggestions that banks might begin making risky loans with this $30 billion pool of money. Do you think these concerns are valid?
Craig G. Francis: Banks will make 'riskier' loans to their clients if the risk is reduced to near zero. See the subprime debacle as an example. This small pot of money won't create a bubble and businesses will use the money wisely, but we will have some increased risk-taking on the part of the banks.
Of course, when you consider the fact that the banks have been taking zero risk lately when lending to the small business community because they are making zero loans to that community, all the while trading free fed money for treasuries and making huge spreads, I think that the banks will see SBA as a more profitable loan deal. They can make much more money with higher leverage with limited risk, so why not go for it. They will now boost risk modestly but I am certain not to the prior level that got us in this jam in the first place.
David Kamatoy: Having been in the business for 30 years, what is the most exciting piece of this Bill?
Craig G. Francis: I love to tell my clients I got them zero-fee SBA loans for their businesses and commercial real estate owner/user purchases. Just like the two approvals I got today. Oh, I also like to tell business owners that the government is here to help them.
I love to tell my clients I got them zero-fee SBA loans for their businesses and commercial real estate owner/user purchases.
David Kamatoy: The Bill also includes some tax breaks for businesses. How effective do you think these will be in stimulating business growth?
Craig G. Francis: Regarding the other items in the bill to help businesses, like accelerated depreciation, see my blog from two weeks ago. This administration does NOTHING to help ANYONE that does not disempower or enable the recipients of Uncle Sam's boon and well being. Trust me on this, if you take supper with the devil use a loooooong spoon. This administration is not business friendly. They are doing these things for appearances only and only to garner votes.
David Kamatoy: Who should really be paying attention to this Bill? Give us some examples of who this is going to benefit most and how it will help.
Craig G. Francis: The bill itself is a real benefit for the business owner using SBA loans. The waiver of the SBA fee, saving up to 3.5% of the loan for a 7(a) and about 1% on the 504, is a solid achievement of fiscal assistance to the business borrower. Startups with good credentials and support of equity injection and backup collateral should provide this borrowing class with an improved chance of getting financing. Expansion loans and business acquisitions will be more likely to get financing since the guaranty protecting a bank loan is now 90%, reducing the bank's potential loss dramatically, and at a historic low of 10%.
Commercial real estate purchases are also going to benefit. Presently we are seeing a 50 year low in rates, which makes the purchase of owner-user property very inexpensive in terms of fees and monthly payments. The benefits of owner-user property have always been a financial boon to the business since it improves the value of the business, secures long-term equity appreciation, and provides a tax shelter depreciation to the borrower. Prices on many properties and in many areas in the US have dropped 40% or more, so they are lower than any time in the last 20 years.
David Kamatoy: Are there any last concerns about the possible effects of this bill, anything we should watch out for?
Craig G. Francis: The people who should be paying closest attention to this bill are the banks. They risk taking on shaky loans because of the manna of high SBA guaranties. They also run the risk of a TARP-like intrusion into their credit affairs that could lead to loan steering from the highest offices in the land - or at least from the offices of Senators Chris Dodd and Barney Frank. They will micro-manage anything they have their political fingers into.
As for businesses, they don’t need to watch out too much. An SBA loan is a pretty decent form of financing and can do a lot to help secure a business owner's future if they use the funds judiciously and look to the long term well being of their firm before plunging into debt the likes of which can be obtained from the SBA bank loans. Once a borrower has the SBA loan funding, they are largely free to do what they please so long as they don't damage the collateral and make sure they make their payments on time. Just don't do anything crazy.
Craig G. Francis is the owner of Francis Financial and The SBA Loan Store. He has been a top producer of SBA Loans since 1981, and has worked with Dun & Bradstreet and Bank of Commerce. Craig Francis has the expertise to steer clients through the often confusing rules and regulations associated with SBA Loans, having helped over 2,000 businesses acquire over a billion dollars in loans. He can be contacted through,, on LinkedIn, or at 888-666-9722.
David Kamatoy is an entrepreneur and entertainer. Kamatoy Media Group is an interactive agency that works within social media, pr, email marketing and video. David originally interviewed Craig on his radio show in 2006. Shortly afterward it became clear that the place to communicate the message was clearly the internet. Craig G. Francis, Francis Financial, SBALoanstore are a client of the Kamatoy Media Group. Special Thanks to Editor Stephen Prendergast.
Some say this has taken way too long but the reality is that it's here. What this means from an entrepreneurial standpoint is that this is the uptick weve been waiting for in the private sector.
Some opponents say the TARP Jr. means that banks will make risky loans but the reality is that SBA loans still need great credit and equity. So with great risk comes great reward.
Middle Class Entrepreneurs are the ones that can take the most advantage of these loans and by doing so create jobs. If you have the credit and equity to buy a business, expand or purchase a building.
If you are an entrepreneurial investor its time to look for projects that can benefit from an alliance.
If you are a jobber then look for the expansion or new businesses and walk in and say that you want to be a part of making the business work.
THIS IS THE WIN WIN WIN weve been looking for and in the next few months and years the actual unemployment will now decrease.
CHECK OUT CRAIGGFRANCIS.COM, our client if you are interested in accessing an SBA opportunity. We are working on a new interview with him to get his first spin on the signing of the SBA Stimulus.
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