San Diego, CA- This years Spring Buskers Festival at Seaport Village is beginning to get some coverage in the media with this posting on the Los Angeles Times Daily Travel and Deal Blog. This year’s competition will again be based on popular votes by those of you attending. There have been some noted improvements to the schedule including an actual main stage with scheduled performances. Last year performers were spread out over the property and a lot of people were not seen or even found by people that were looking for them.
As you know The Dave & Brad show competed last year only to be out voted by a hula dancing group. There’s power in numbers to say the least. I would love to try to avoid being outvoted this year.
I am competing solo this year and I will be putting updates up on the blog frequently. Basically…
If your in San Diego, I need your votes…
Even though I have been performing in town in a variety of different venues and possibly one of the most recognized street performers it doesn’t mean I’ll win without your votes. This was painfully clear last year as we had an “American Idol moment” by being a noted favorite of the competition and still losing.
Keep a look out for postings and join the email list. I’ll let you know my show times as we get closer to the competition.
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