Multi-Creative Entrepreneur: Producer and Juggler, both figuratively and literally. TV, Film and Radio Producer. Host of " Show" Entertainment, E-Marketing, CRM, Content Marketing, Musician, Tenor
Peeps, iPad,, Ricky Martin, Internet Marketing, Home Business Success Kit with Mick Moore
San Diego, CA - Episode 2 of "Blog This with David Kamatoy" is now available on Viddler, YouTube, and Emarketing is the focus for this episode covering, twitter tips, and Mick Moore's "Home Business Success Kit," a home education kit for starting an online business. The show also briefly touches on the iPad launch and the not so surprising Ricky Martin entertainment news.
The show starts off with a notably bright change in its virtual set, "The tone of the show is rather tongue-in-cheek anyway, so going with the bold strokes crayon-type news set is kinda fun." says host David Kamatoy.
On the first part of the show David features, a top ten blog site run by Six Apart, "A great resource for successful blogs." is highlighted as blogger Brad French's Peep Photography was chosen for the Top Ten in the Chicago Tribune's annual "Peeps Diorama Contest." Twitter sites to explore include, tweetdeck, and mashable. David also talks about comically being denied access to a twitter group promoting blogs and a somewhat annoying example of email marketing. Ricky Martin's unsurprising revelation of his personal preferences also pops up in this section of the show.
The second part of the show is a promotional interview between TV Personality Terry Burhans and Mick Moore, The Internet Entrepreneur.
The second part of the show is a promotional interview between TV Personality Terry Burhans and Mick Moore, The Internet Entrepreneur. The two discuss Moore's an educational program that serves as an overview and Do-It-Yourself guide to starting an online business.
The show can be seen on as well as on popular social video sites including Viddler and YouTube. "Blog This With David Kamatoy" serves as an extension of the blogging efforts from the Kamatoy Media Group, covering trends, sites, and opportunities for the small business owner and entrepreneur. The show is sponsored in part by,, &
For more information, inquiries and submissions, please contact Kamatoy Media Group at 619-573-9456 or [email protected].
Entrepreneur/Entertainer Explores New Possibilities
San Diego, CA - Entrepreneur, Marketing Master, and Entertainer David Kamatoy kicks off his new online program, "Blog This," with a look at the Internet, technology, and theater. This first in a new series of video programs sets a tone for an irreverent look at information, technology, and "whatever we feel like covering." In the inaugural webisode, David Kamatoy discusses blogging and tweeting, reviews some of the new smart phones, and looks back at opening night of a local production of August Wilson's "The Piano Lesson."
"Blog This" is targeted at entrepreneurs, entertainers, and e-marketers...
"Blog This" is targeted at entrepreneurs, entertainers, and e-marketers, but provides enough information and entertainment to keep any Internet video watcher coming back for more. David Kamatoy begins his first episode with an explanation of blogging and how it relates to video blogging, podcasting, and traditional media. One of the goals of "Blog This" is helping people better understand the role of blogging in promoting businesses and projects. The program itself is very much in a blog format. "What's unique about the content of this show is that it's literally going to be on random formats," says creator and host David Kamatoy. The focus of the show will be on content, but presented in a variety of ways to reflect the ecclectic format of blogs.
One of the goals of "Blog This" is helping people better understand the role of blogging in promoting businesses and projects. The program itself is very much in a blog format.
In his technology section, David Kamatoy looks at and compares the Palm Pre, the Nexus One, the Blackberry 8330, and the iPhone. More than just comparing, he delves into some of the plusses and minuses of both the various phones and their carriers. David Kamatoy provides his own particular take on the good, the bad, and the just plain strange of these smart phones and their technology, and gives some advice on when to get into smart phones. There are also short discussions of the new Google "Buzz" and the new Facebook format.
David Kamatoy finishes up this episode of "Blog This" with his video interviews of Mark Christopher Lawrence (NBC's "Chuck") and other members of the cast of the Cygnet Theatre production of August Wilson's Pulitzer Prize-winning play, "The Piano Lesson." Much of the footage was filmed during the opening night celebration, held at Cafe Coyote in San Diego's Old Town area, with clips from the play interspersed among the interviews.
"Blog This" can be seen at, Viddler and YouTube. Interested parties please send press releases, and contact Kamatoy Media Group at 619-573-9456.
Blog This With David Kamatoy Episode 1
What is A Blog?
Smart Phone War
Mark Christopher Lawrence August Wilson's "The Piano Lesson"
David Kamatoy- Host
Steve Dahl- Voice Over
Shawn Rover-Production Manager
DP- Bruce Ando Jr. (The Piano Lesson)
Stephen Prendergast-Writer, Photography
Piano Lesson Cast Members:Mark Christopher Lawrence, Laurence Brown, Monique Gaffney,
Coronado, CA- first podcast via chroma-Key green-screen. This is a
test of a green screen format that intends to be a regular event. So
it's a little rough around the edges. Same babble as on the news
section of the LiveStream Show... Enjoy!
Hey so check this out... Looks cool and now we will improve the format.
San Diego,CA- David Kamatoy will be reviewing several social media tools that are
available on the web that range from free to a modest monthly fee. This
fits into an ongoing show topic of "How much should I be spending on
marketing my business online?" The show can be watched live or replayed
at or
grouping of tools are made up of both one that we use everyday and some
newly discovered just a few days ago that show promise."- David
Kamatoy, Juggler.
Some of the sites reviewed in today's program include...
Sponsors of the David Kamatoy Radio Show show include,,, and The show will stream on and at Downloads will be available shortly thereafter. Interested parties can subscribe to the email list at
David Kamatoy Radio Show Streams Live September 29, 2009 3-5 pst Thursday 3-5 pst pst on &
San Diego,CA- Entertainer
Mark Christopher Lawrence Star of NBC's Chuck gives us a preview of a
night of comedy he is producing in SOHO at Cafe Muse. Internet
Marketing Expert, Morgan Westerman joins the show to talk about best
and worst examples of Twitter Marketing. David Kamatoy a juggler both
literally and figuratively hosts the show today on
show is moving to an earlier time to cater to the East Coast guests and
"We're excited about the new time slot and format.
We are getting a positive response and a growing audience every show.
This new format is a hybrid of a radio show and a streaming show and we
are constantly trying to take advantage of distribution,search engines
and the technology available on" - David Kamatoy, Online
Sponsors of the David Kamatoy Radio Show show include,,, and The show will stream on and at Downloads will be available shortly thereafter. Interested parties can subscribe to the email list at
The show can be seen live or as replays on
or For more
information please contact David Kamatoy 619-573-9456 or email at
[email protected]
Here are Ten Twitter Tips, social media and it's best and worst. Hopefully this will inspire a few ideas on how to build and monetize your database using twitter. This post will be discussed on the David Kamatoy Radio Show.
Ten Twitter Tips, Successful and Unsuccessful
Examples with David Kamatoy and Morgan Westerman. Morgan Westerman
created one of the most successful viral videos of the internet and has
recently focused his energy on social media. In just a few short months
he has gathered about 25,000 followers on twitter. He is currently
working with entrepreneurs on best practices in sales conversion. He
can be followed @morganwesterman.
They rewarded dell followers by promoting refurbished gear specifically and have noted sales to prove it.
THE LESSON: They created a specific type of reward and message that was different from their other marketing. In tandem with the reality that most twitter followers will be a bit tech savvy purchasing online this was a good match.
The result would have been different if they didn't do the discounted and refurbished sales.
2. Steve Agee, The Sarah Silverman Project: Steve Agee comedian started off his twitter following by pulling off a stunt on about reading all first 5,000 names live on air when he hit 5,000. He is currently at 863,420.
Really good example of someone in the public spotlight using that publicity to gather a following in a new genre. Dane Cook did it on myspace and now Steve Agee is doing it on twitter.
ENTERTAINER TIP: Remember that when your on a hit show or in the limelight. Use it to build your database. Anyone in this side of the business knows that you never know when your going to get your show canceled. In radio they often sell the station out from under you with very little rumbling. If they told you the advertisers would go away.
4. Straight to Sales: Straight to SPAM! No Humanity This is perfect example of what does not work and will most likely be deleted as spam. Straight to a landing page with only one message. REALLY!!!
5. Good Porn Bad Porn: While this may go straight to a porn link the good thing is the quotes and a varying message. Sneaky Porn Spam generally bad.
The Lessons: 1. Use a landing page as seen below. 2. Quotes can be quite useful if used correctly. Choosing quotes that are related to your subject matter and then either blogging about them or just reference them back to you is a good idea in creating an ideal emotion. 3. It's public people remember that journalists are now quoting "tweets".
7. Customize your twitter page. I use Google's picassa to create a collage using pictures and logos. You have to play with the output settings to get it right but it's a great free application.
If you truly want to convert to sales or interactivity then you have to earn the respect of your followers through credibility. Therefore push content...
Blog postings- Like this one.
Press Releases-
Email Marketing: Jugglemail emails create unique URL's that can be easily posted onto twitter. We do it all the time with our press release emails.
Other peoples content: rt someone elses tweet usually garners attention and is often reciprocated.
10. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery: Pay attention to who you and others pay attention to and then customize that style to your own.
BONUS Final Advice: Remember that ultimately you don't own your twitter,facebook or myspace profiles. They can be deleted at anytime for complaints, overuse, spam. To top it all off the parameters are constantly changing.
TIP: Covert to a real email and contact information as quickly as possible for real contacts.
We do this using the auto responders on our jugglemail system or just dropping them into the system upon approval.
David Kamatoy is a juggler both literally and figuratively. He hosts a show on 2-5 pst on Entrepreneurship, Entertainment and Internet Marketing. As a co-founder of the email marketing brand one of his goals is to share best practices on how to integrate social media, blogging email marketing with more traditional models. Join the email list to contact him directly.
Diego,CA- Merritt Yohnka joins the show to talk about his second
consecutive win as the Stunt Coordinator on the Warner Brothers NBC's
"CHUCK". Mark Christopher Lawrence aka "Big Mike" and David Kamatoy
congratulate Merritt on a great win. This is the first time anyone has
won the award consecutively. Other Nominees included Criminal
MInds,Burn Notice, My Name is Earl and 24.
I realize that I
have been a fan his work throughout the years from Star Trek to Nash
Bridges etc. Merrit's IMDB Listing can be seen at
San Diego,CA- Mark Christopher Lawrence and Warren
Lanier Jr. will be joining David Kamatoy today live on Thursday 17th,
2009 on & from 5-7 pst.. David Kamatoy
is launching his new format based on what's possible in doing a talk
show based on
"I grew up in video and live performance. It wasn't until just a few
years ago that I picked up radio. The new based show is a
hybrid of talk radio and a live streaming talk show taking advantage of
what technology is available to us right now." says, David Kamatoy.
5-6 pst- Mark Christopher Lawrence: Star of NBC's Chuck is on a train
up to Los Angeles to attend a party for the new CEO of NBC, Jeff
Gaspin. Mark will be catching his fans up on several items. Losing
weight, auditioning for Subway and recently becoming a spokesperson for
ACT for Autism.
6-7 pst-Warren Lanier Jr., BridgePoint Marketing is currently working
with various clients in internet and business development strategy. The
success of Warren's last appearance on the show warrants a continued
conversation about the constant challenge for entrepreneurs to adjust
to the new marketing challenges brought on by the internet, social
media and the recession.
San Diego,CA-Warren Lanier, Jr. Chief Visionary Officer and CEO of Bridge Point Marketing joins David Kamatoy this evening to talk about making your business ready for online marketing. Live at 5-7p.m. Tuesday 18th, 2009 on or Warren Lanier is the founder of Bridge Point Marketing, a full service marketing firm that specializes in bridging the gap between traditional advertising philosophy and internet marketing.
"I like to fashion my efforts after the insights of Peter F. Drucker who said, 'because its purpose is to create a customer, the business has two and only two functions: Marketing and Innovation. Marketing and Innovation produce results. All the rest are costs.'" This is why our slogan is simply..."We get our customers, customers." says Warren Lanier
Warren will discuss the common misconceptions that businesses make as they launch a campaign and often wonder why it didn't work. He will talk about how to tell the difference between someone who knows what they are talking about and someone who is blowing smoke.
Those who are currently taking online classes on business and marketing can benefit from watching the show.
"I wanted to bring Warren onto the show to discuss some of the generational issues that we are witnessing with the rise of social media. Social media is getting the buzz right now but the reality is that the same old school principles apply it's just changed forms and is highly scaleable, ultimately leveling the playing field even more." says David Kamatoy, host.
"If your interested in building your business online this is the show to watch. We understand the challenge of the entrepreneur. Your busy running your business, while marketing your business is really another full time job. We want to be able to bridge that gap with knowledge and service."
Warren was instrumental in his position at ipower, inc. one of the largest website hosting service companies on the web; where he created, implemented and managed online marketing campaigns (cpc, cpa, seo, sem, email marketing, content marketing, etc.) that assisted in taking the company from being a virtual unknown to its present ranking of #5 world-wide in the shared website hosting industry. After leaving that company he started Bridge Point Marketing and is currently working with and helping to develop other companies with effective marketing and business development campaigns.
David Kamatoy and Warren Lanier Jr. share an entertainment background as he worked in PR and Marketing working with individual artists like Ray Charles, Barry White, Stevie Wonder and record labels Motown, A&M and United Artists.
The show will stream on and at Replays will be available shortly thereafter. Interested parties can subscribe to the email list at
The David Kamatoy Radio Show can usually be seen at 4:00-7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at or on at Replays of this show and others can be found on, and For more information please contact David Kamatoy at 619-573-9456 or email at [email protected].
We invite you to join us live online for the show on for a very special show with my friend Jocko.
Harry Waters Jr. and I met Jocko several years ago when his son was attending a school that Harry and I did a workshop in. The guys bonded over 50's gigs, Baby Boomer Stuff, Entertainment and Kids.
When I saw it was the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock. I emailed Jocko out of the blue and he immediately called me back and said, "Let's do it."
So Steve Prendergast and I dropped a press release and boom let's Rock and Roll.
Jocko Marcellino of Sha Na Na to be interviewed on
about 40th Anniversary of Woodstock
San Diego, CA - Sha Na Na's Jocko Marcellino joins David Kamatoy live on and on Wednesday, August 12th, at 9:00 a.m. PST to talk about the festivities surrounding the Woodstock 40th Anniversary. Sha Na Na performed at Woodstock at about sunrise on the last day of the festival, just before the late Jimi Hendrix. As a founding member of Sha Na Na, Jocko Marcellino has the distinction of performing in the most successful music documentary ever, Woodstock.
Woodstock became a launching point for the group, as Sha Na Na was the only group at the festival without a record deal. They received one immediately afterward, and today the group has released more than 25 albums, with worldwide sales of more than 20 million. The group also performed in the movie musical Grease, and had their own television show from 1977 to 1981.
This week Jocko has been attending events, screenings, and reunions based on the 40th Anniversary of the Woodstock Festival. Jocko has agreed to share with David Kamatoy's audience some stories both past and present from the original Woodstock and the attention that he is getting wrapped around the 40th Anniversary. "We did 40 minutes and were paid $300,” Marcellino once recalled about the original Woodstock, “and the check bounced!"
"I want to catch up with Jocko. His story is unique in that they were a 50's tribute band that ended up with a very successful television show. Ultimately creating a strong brand with staying power." David Kamatoy comments.
To this day Sha Na Na performs over 100 shows a year, and they released a 40th Anniversary Collectors Edition CD on July 19th, 2009. Visit for more information.
The David Kamatoy Radio Show can usually be seen at 4:00-7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at or on at Replays of this show and others can be found on, and For more information please contact David Kamatoy at 619-573-9456.
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