Welcome to Tri-Tip Tuesday where we share important thoughts about social media, marketing, and anything else that comes to mind. We are always looking for good ideas that we can develop for future TTT posts.
Tip #1 Control what you read.

Back in my day we had these books called encyclopedias; now we have Wikipedia and the power of the internet search engines literally at our fingertips 24/7. So now more than ever we need to control the feed of information. It’s so easy via Facebook and social media to spend a lot of time reading what is trending, and some some of that may be fake news. But is what is really trending specific to your business or specific to your topics of interest? What is at your top of mind awareness?
If the quality of your life is what you focus on then choose to feed your brain with topical information that matters. Some of the greatest minds in the world are avid readers. Start by reading or focusing on material that matters for 20 min. a day.
What to read?
You may already know about Google News, but just in case you didn’t, here’s the point. You can use Google news to “Personalize Your News Settings” as you can on other news search engines like Yahoo.
You can also set up news alerts to email you updates based on topics or keywords on a daily, weekly, or per mention email alert. You can even “narcissistically” enter your own name or brand.
The good news and bad news is that Google's algorithm takes you to information that you trend. So if you're in the process of changing your focus, your search engine relevance may take a bit to follow. So what I do is I often scan my other browsers for what’s trending. It’s also a media trick to see who has the bigger PR budget sometimes.
Google Scholar takes it to a whole new nerdy level: “Google Scholar broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. Google Scholar helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research.”
Imagine knowing the most recent relevant published references to your interests and business. We have this set up for Email Marketing, Neutropic, etc. Oddly I typed in our last name and learned something I did not know about a distant family member.
Final thoughts...
I teach this acting class and at the top of the class I ask , “What did you watch or read that inspired you this week?” The idea here is that we consume so much data as just popcorn or fluff. We are talking hours of Netflix, Fake News and Video Games. So why not take some of that time back under your control and get smarter by controlling what you read on a daily basis to start for 20 min. a day?
TRI-TIP TUES returns from Kamatoy Media Group and Jugglemail.com. Kamatoy Media Group is a business and media development company. Jugglemail.com, Juggle your business with Jugglemail, is the go-to CRM to juggle and manage multiple businesses with email, events, shopping cart, website, member solutions and more.
Today's Tri-Tip is authored by David Kamatoy and Stephen Prendergast.
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