Good News Bad News...
Bad News- I caught a cold.
Good News- It was literally at the end of a shooting gig out of town. It did not interfere directly with that gig, however it did slow me down.
I am always amazed at how healthy I get after a cold.
- I stop eating MUCUS inducing food. (Milk yogurt, cheese.)
- I take a ton of vitamins Wellness formula.
- In theory I should be sleeping more but I really don't.
- I tend to take a lot of Pseudephedrine which of course does not really allow me to sleep well.
I am able to get some things done but it really affects the ability to be extroverted, it just takes so much energy not to cough, talk safely around people, etc.
New thoughts on this cold run.
- I wish I got more regular sleep.
- I will endevour to keep the healthy food going.
- I would like to be more productive (lol).
The bottom line is that I lost productivity because of the cold and now I have to catch up now that I have a bit more focused energy.