It was great to take a good look at Tweet.Grader, PeerIndex & Klout. Each have their benefits and bragging rights and theres no reason not to sign up for all of them. I have learned a lot about my own tweets patterns through all of them.
For Immediate Release
"Blog This with David Kamatoy" covers the convergence of entrepreneurship, entertainment, and e-marketing.This episode covers Klout, Peer Index and Tweet.Grader, sites that help you measure your social influence on twitter. The latest installment additionally covers a birthday, 2 weddings and the reopening of the Village Theater in Coronado, CA. "Blog This with David Kamatoy" is a video blog extension of
The show opens with David musing on the re-launching of "Blog This" on his birthday and a creepy rollover greeting from Google. He then moves on in Entertainment to discuss the wide-ranging coverage of the wedding of Doug Hutchison and Courtney Alexis Stoddard -- including a surprising post on a soccer site. The section ends with congratulations to Kamatoy Media Group team member Leo James on his marriage to Jessica Smith.
"You want to focus on being a 'Rock Star' in your own database."
-David Kamatoy, juggler
"Blog This" continues with the major focus of this show, a discussion of "Social Capital" and the amount of influence individuals and companies can have through sites such as Twitter and Facebook. In this section of the show, David Kamatoy looks at three websites that analyze social influence online: Klout, Twitter Grader, and Peer Index. "Sites like Klout, Peer Index, and Twitter Grader all rate or somehow come up with an algorithm to tell us how influential we are on social media, specifically Twitter," he explains. David Kamatoy goes on to review the advantages and disadvantages of each of the three rating sites, then details his strategies for improving social capital through Twitter. "I think of Twitter like a radio station that has the ability to turn into a conversation," he says. "You have to be willing to find some key people to have a good conversation with online that you know is public." They key, according to Kamatoy, is becoming a "rock star" in your database in order to have productive conversations and create "top-of-mind awareness" among the individuals in that database.
The newest episode of "Blog This" concludes with the video coverage of the reopening of the Village Theater in Coronado. This project is a joint effort with Creative Worldwide Media, Kamatoy Media Group and the Presidio Sentinel. The Village Theater closed down over a decade ago, and was recently restored by Vintage Cinemas, based in Los Angeles. The grand opening drew a huge crowd, including theater fans and the Mayor of Coronado, Casey Tanaka.
"Blog This with David Kamatoy" can be seen on and Interested parties please contact at 619-573-9456.