One of the challenges of being an entrepreneurial creative is an overwhelming backlog of worthy half-paid and non-paid projects. This challenge is not an uncommon situation as I have talked to several other entrepreneurs that are in the same boat.
We are essentially stuck in a situation where you've got PAID projects, half-paid projects and unpaid projects. The challenge is of time. I found myself trying to burn the candle on both ends and the middle and it cost me my health. I am not even mentioning the lack of social life at this time.
I recently had editors block which can the same as writers block. I just could'nt wrap my head around a project. I recently solved this by taking away a half paid / non-paid assignment. This was a self-assigned project that would have led to great connections and possible clients but when we got right down to it, we crossed it off the list.
As soon as the decision was made I was able to remove some editors block and get a few things done. We've talked before about the power of the subconcious mind and it's need to solve problems. Too many problems to solve can cause some serious problems.
I have talked to other entrepreneurs that have the same problem with money. No money in the account or no obvious immediate source of income causes creative Blocks.
I saw the same thing happen when I was working in the debt industry. It was amazing to see the relief that people got when someone else as taking on the responsibility of talking to to collectors allowing them to refocus on making money and being productive vs. debt.
If your BLOCKED then look at what problems your trying to solve. Can you cross one off the list?
Which projects are due and then choose to focus more on one than the other. Find and discover a way to refocus your power.
a. Throw away the distractions. Turn off social media, email, phone, cell and just look at the project.
b. If you need music try Pandora Bach, Classical or Jazz. Something without lyrics.
c. Your mind may need a follow through to see an actual problem solved. Watch a movie or tv episode. Be careful not to keep watching vs. working.
d. Handwrite out some next steps or the solution to the problem and then meditate self-hypnosis or take a nap. Wake up and power it out.
I have often napped or slept a few hours awoken and then jumped right into the project.