New Video! East Village Tavern & Bowl with Dan Hurd, Craig G. Francis
San Diego,CA - David Kamatoy sits down with Dan Hurd, co-founder of the East Village Tavern & Bowl, to talk about the success of the business and how this successful tavern, sports bar, and bowling alley was funded by an SBA-guaranteed loan. The Tavern is the opposite of a traditional bowling alley in that it's a tavern/sports bar first and a bowling alley second. The video also includes footage of lines coming out of the door on a fight night, the venue packed on a game day, and interviews with patrons and staff."The idea behind SBA Loans can be somewhat flat out of context. We decided to profile a dynamic successful business so that entrepreneurs can see what's possible within the context of the SBA Loan program, hopefully find some inspiration. The East Village Tavern & Bowl is a great example of how a good idea can come together with team, credit, property, and align with an SBA Loan." -David Kamatoy, Blog This with David Kamatoy
The East Village Tavern & Bowl has become part of the landscape in downtown San Diego, expanding the size of the bowling alley in order to accommodate the growing patronage. Just recently, at the end of 2009, the owners opened their newest location in Chula Vista, CA, East Lake Tavern and Bowl. This growing, unique brand contributes part of its success to SBA-guaranteed loans brokered by Craig G. Francis.
"East Village Tavern & Bowl was unique. I've always liked working with restaurants because while there are great risks there are great rewards, and Dan had already proven his business model." says Craig G. Francis, SBA Loan Broker.
SBA Loan Broker Craig G. Francis joins the conversation in the second half of the interview to discuss the elements of why he likes working with restaurant projects and how he was able to help faciliate these projects.
The SBA Loan Special Report can be seen at DavidKamatoy.comand, as well as on Viddler and YouTube in HD. For more information on East Village Tavern and Bowl visit