I have this working theory on multi-tasking and/or juggler that comes into play doing certain tasks. While having to deal with multiple tasks it's important to take the time to focus on ONE in order to complete it.
If you are a juggler by nature, an entrepreneur, an artist then starting a NEW project is your natural state. While your unnatural state is completion and in order for you to be respected and accomplished you must complete tasks.
In the last few months and more specifically the last few weeks I have had some serious problem solving that was happening subconsciously. So while I was trying my best to get a lot of work done. It was exceptionally hampered by not being able to complete certain projects because resources were not available.
We have entered into a "Hurry up and wait." mode in the last few months on several projects out of our control. The good news is that some of that is finally breaking free.
The reason I bring this is up is that while some of that is breaking free I find myself completing tasks that I could have completed weeks ago but because subconsciously I had unfinished projects weighing on my Psyche they didn't happen.
The juggling lesson: OVERWHELM can sometimes be a subconscious as well as a conscious condition. The conscious version is much more overtly stressful where as the subconscious version is sort of frustrating and confusing.
I thrive on multiple screens, browsers and applications. However in some instances like editing video, music, developing a new skill set I must FOCUS. I often create and handwrite a short list. Literally the next 1-5 tasks that have to be done in order. I try to feel better as I cross them off the list.
What happens to me naturally is that I start writing down the BIG items. The problem is that LARGE TICKET items are rarely what is directly next. Making a few phone calls, returning emails, Writing the first draft of a press release. These are doable next tasks within the period of a day, an hour, etc.
If you keep writing down big ticket items like....
" Raise a billion dollars"
" Become a millionaire."
"Write Novel" -deadline today
This can become a bit of a problem.
Summary:Overwhelm can happen both consciously and subconsciously. Help yourself by learning to shorten your to do list to its most specific next step and learn how to acknowledge the completion of those steps. In addition try to limit your distractions. Find variations on the formula to get stuff done.
+ Close Email
+ Close Twitter and Social Media
+ Open only the program your working in.
+ Try music with no lyrics , classical, jazz,
+ Take short breaks often to take a walk, lay down, stretch, etc.
David Kamatoy is a juggler both figuratively and literally. As a multi-disciplined artist he has juggled in and musically directed a circus while helping to build dozens of businesses. As a student of Hypnotherapy he is also a student of successful traits. David is working on "Lessons From A Juggler" sporadically as time allows. Please comment or if you have something to contribue he can be reached via the blog at http://davidkamatoy.com