Dear Family, Friends and Fans of Patrick Swayze,
Patrick will be missed. His talent and training has always been an inspiration to me. From the dancing background to playing manly men in Roadhouse to writing a top charting song, "She's Like the Wind."
To continually push himself to do things both independently like Once Last Dance and the craziness of "Too Wong Foo With Love" and finally a Dark "The Beast".
On a lighter note...
I had the chance to work with John Fujioka who worked with Patrick Swayze in Steel Dawn he shared with me a great story...
There was a scene in which John Fujioka character passes away and is in a body bag. Patrick's character has to lament his death. The shot was at night, it was cold. John was in a body bag of sorts and to make it comfortable for him they put a sleeping bag in the body bag. Needless to say playing dead in a sleeping bag, John kept falling asleep and snoring. So Patrick would have to lovingly kick or nudge John in the body bag basically saying...
"Wake up your supposed to be dead."
I wish that it was that simple for Patrick now. But I think somewhere in a mysterious ghost like heaven place maybe God is kicking Patrick right now and saying the same thing.
To Lisa...
There is an empty space in the world now but it can't compare to the void that you and the family is dealing with personally. Just know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. You lost a partner and that's something that not all of us can truly understand.
Just watch this video and send some light and love the Swayze family way....
Light and Love...
David Kamatoy