San Diego,CA- This is my first post in the new Typepad interface and it looks good.
1. The color scheme is well chosen and easy on the eyes. Blue,Green, Base , White.
2. The controls seem familiar and a bit more intuitive. I have worked with people in teaching the older interface and there was a definite learning curve. As is true of any program.
3. I like that you can edit the url permalink although I have no idea why I would want to do so. I usually use a URL Shortening program with twitters.
4. I do like the category list option with the check list. The old system was pretty cumbersome especially with a long list of categories as I have.
5. I also like that I can choose from creating a Page v.s. a Post right at the top instead of having to go through a few other clicks to get there.
Great! This really does seem like a nice upgrade. Congrats to the team at Typepad and Six Apart.