San Diego,CA- David Kamatoy bumped into Steven Banks, Head Writer for SpongeBob Squarepants at San Diego Comic Con 2009. They got into an impromptu interview where Steven Banks talks about writing the show for themselves as well as kids.
SpongeBob Squarepants enters it's Tenth Year. Steven Banks has been with the show for 5 years and really truly enjoys his job. His advice... "Don't Give Up!"
Music by Tony Woodroffe
Voice Over by Steve Dahl ( This one is a new tag. Funny Steve Funny.)
David Kamatoy is a juggler. Kamatoy Media Group helps companies with Social and Business Development using Social Media as the launching pad for a brand. For more information call (619)573-9456 or email him at this blog. Join the email list. etc. etc. etc.