Orphaned Twitter accounts and blogs are becoming an interesting topic of discussion in this article on Cnet by Dave Rosenberg.
Twitter and blogs: Post once and bail out
As I have been cruising twitter of late, I find this phenomena often. It is not unusual for people not to get twitter or blogging. I find that the concept is just hard for people to take. The learning curve is just so weird.
Think about it even if I wanted to say write a book, a screenplay a haiku poem there is a form and that form takes a while to master.
Twitter is coming into it's own and it's evolving as I am even typing this. While Twitter is he long tail of blogging the reality is that it's still confusing.
Let's face it as much as I enjoy blogging. It's first draft and I grew up on newspapers and books not blogs. To publish a first draft kind of goes against everything we were taught in school when you really think about it.
Here is my take on it.
1. Social Media is not going away.
2. It's the same content in a different form.
3.You have to meet people where they are at.
If your client, fans, database are you using twittter. You should be on twitter. If your clients fans database is on myspace, hey you should be on myspace.
4. Write content that your people and you care about.
5. Promote that content. Don't just write but learn to promote it.
I am seemingly spending more time promoting what I write than writing it. Eventually that will change once the database has built momentum it's then a matter of being...
6. Consistent:Be consistent with your output. Dedicate yourself to some sort of schedule because social media is about attrition, small ball, throwing stuff against a wall and seeing what works.
Final thoughts: You can't escape social media if you want to grow your business online. Therefore you need to get help and education on not abandoning your twitter or blogs. Go back and claim your web real estate and get some help.
We can help just email us. Yes this is a shameless plug to end this post. lol