I enjoyed this film I think because after watching the previews I knew what I was getting into. Once I was there it was clear.
Imagine falling into one of your favorite television shows as a kid but now your an adult.
This answers the question that seemed to be on the mind of every reviewer.
Rated pg-13 I think the answer is still not so clear. If you grew up on t Kroft Family Shows you start to realize that these brothers produced so much of the kid and family entertainment of the 70's and 80's hr pufnstuff, Kroft Puppets, Family Affair, Donnie and Marie Show, Dean Martin Show to name a few.
Deciding to take a break from my late night insanity to see if I can drop into an early showing of Land of the Lost. Early meaning 12:01a.m. The theatre was filled with a spattering of people that genuinely seemed entertained by the movie.
Anna Friel: Very enjoyable to watch even though I have read about her work in "Pushing Daisies" not being familiar with her actually help ground the comedy and help sell the reality of the surreal plot.
Will Ferrell: Odd and brilliant as always Will is definitely the go to guy on these odd exceptional everyman type roles. The thing that he does well in this piece is play adverse relationships in a comical way. He creates a comic tension that makes us expect a gag, a laugh and that's what makes it work.
Danny McBride: Was lucky enough to be brought in on Tropic Thunder which was truly one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time. He apparently riffed a lot in this film and while many of the riffs did not make it in. The attitude did.
Director Brad Siberling: Nice work reigning in this rag tag group of actors. There were several comic bits one specifically that I was amazed that you guys made that work...
Let's just say that I didn't expect to be walking out of Land of the Lost singing, "A Chorus Line" again a great era reference to the same group of us that watched Land of the Lost. lol.
Avy Kaufman: Just wanted to give you a nod. I like the way you cast things notably Lions for Lambs which went a bit unnoticed sadly it was a powerful piece. While Land of the Lost is not Lions for Lambs casting was still the same brilliant.
Effects were a nice upgrade while still keeping some of that old camp in the deal. Congrats to the effects and prod design crew. It's fun to see the tech work in the context of a comedy. You forget that it exists which is your job, but I sat through the credits past the Dino egg gag and wow, it was a long list.
Some Favorite Comic Moments for me...
Bug Gag: Yeah we saw it in the preview but there is some subtly to this black comedy moment. Notably the blood draining from Wills body. Nice!
Chorus Line: It becomes almost an uncomfortable running gag. Especially with the musical theatre gay reference until the pay off.
Matt Lauer: Payoff Gag.
Hey enjoy the movie. See it with other people that will get the references that's probably your best bet. Not the one to take the younger girl your dating because of your mid-life crisis. =P