Another article supporting the trend towards Baby Boomer Entrepreneurship in the recession.
1. People are living longer.
2. Forced retirement or firing. What else are you going to do?
3. Because you have a great idea and you have to do it.
Napoleon Hill waxed upon this concept that most entrepreneurs find their stride in their 40's+
-Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
I like to say that after 40 years you've been to the circus and seen the show. You know what habits are bad for you and you know what's good for you.(Regardless if you do the right thing or not.) You begin to see the fruits of your labor or the fruits of labor of those very close to you.
It's also the reason why entertainers are so difficult to work with for the simple reason that young musicians or entrepreneurs need to pretend to be older while they are young. I surrounded myself with mature mentors, clients and team members and in doing so I know accomplished more than I should have.
So no matter what age you decide to start a business I suggest that age not matter. However I do believe that you should surround yourself with people from multiple-generations especially those that you intend to be your customers or clients.