San Diego,Ca- I just finished a juggling show for a group at a retirement facility and two of the residents that saw the show were 92 and 95 and quite spry. It was a fascinating conversation because one of them said that when they were kids they thought 40 was old.
"When I was kid I thought 40 was old."
Think about it at 95 that would mean born in 1914,to be born into Wartime. A kid in the 20's to see the crash. WW II, Kennedy, Civil Rights, Korea to this day where Obama is president.
One of them was a female pilot, something we now take for granted.
It's pretty amazing how aware we are these days at around 80 is finally interested in getting a computer again. While it's going to be oh so fun teaching him, I know he and Mom will be better for it.
As 2008 was just whacked in so many ways on a personal and professional level. I can't help but be inspired by some of the seeds we planted last year. Things are really starting to bloom and it's sad that some people were not able to hold on...
We should see some noted growth in 2009 ow that we have adjusted to the new business climate.