Another reason that this works exceedingly well is market share.
As a kid I remember watching Johnny Carson and because there were only 3 networks Johnny became the only show in town. It also gave the world a common reference of entertainment. A laugh that most people could share at a time when there wasn't a lot to do at 11:00p.m at night.
By moving the show to 10p.m. Leno gets to pick up more kids/pre-teens as well as seniors that remember the late show but honestly dont stay up that late anymore. In addition it gives NBC some continuity and a spokesperson that can carry an audience 5 days a week. I mean if I am watching TV at 10 and there is nothing else on or reruns I guarantee I will stop by Leno.
Once you get hooked as viewer into the format of a talk show it's hard to walk away completely.
My next step.... Get on the show =).
David Kamatoy is an Entertainer, Entrepreneur and Internet Marketer, a juggler both literally and figuratively. He currently works in businesses and media development working with companies to develop social media on the way to broadcast media. Join the email list and subscribe to the blog at, very latest video projects on viddler or youtube complimentary trial of the email marketing system