Watching NCIS on rigt now while blogging.
One of the new toys on is the viewing rooms where you can watch online and comment and talk with other viewers. I have tried to do this but it seems a little computer heavy and more importantly I get thrown into the middle of the show. So I usually get out of it because I would rather watch from the beginning.
If there is a way to see a countdown until a show is played that would make it more user friendly. I love the idea but I still have not really played with it.
Has anyone used this. (By the way the cat and the mustache guy seem to always be in a room.)
David Kamatoy is a Juggler on several levels. Currently Professional Juggler Comedian, Blogger, Music Co-Producer (Derek Stroh, Stand), Video Director/Producer, etc. The Kamatoy Media Group is helping companies bridge the gap between social media and traditional advertising with Email Marketing using (Get a FREE TRIAL account) and more. If your interested please contact us immediatly.
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