San Diego,CA- In watching the Obama interview on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart he brought up a point that has been in my mind for a while, we are a fairly conservative people, in that we don't do radical change on a consistent basis until something like this happens and then we need to make some radical changes.
This is also something that I have talked about in certain circles regarding some of the sterotypes regarding Democrats and Republicans. The dichotomy of certain figures of the Republican party and even the Democratic party saying one thing and then doing another. From the gay love trysts while denouncing gay rights to the recent Alaskan Senator getting convicted of 7 counts of felony.
I believe that most of us live fairly conservative lives and I believe that sometimes when someone comes out to support the extreme values of any one direction were really talking about our own fears of straying from the path versus others.
Also in the case of Palin, she was the mayor of a small town and Governor of a small populated state. Her small town base views wouldn't really play in San Fransisco. It's so easy to ignore a smaller percentage of the population when the population is small.
Every morning I walk out to a fairly black neighborhood, my oldest friendlives next door and is half black and half white married to an asian woman. I drive to my office where most of the people in the building are white but we work in a fairly asian neighborhood. Diversity surrounds me and yet I live a fairly conservative lifestyle but support a lot of liberal policies because I know that there is diversity in the world, I see it everyday. I voted for a republican mayor and a republican govenor because I thought they were the best people for the jobs.
It's good to see that the country is moving more in one direction this time around. The last few elections really seemed like a coin flip and I think that coin flip cost us. Because we weren't clear on a specific direction I think the powers that be took advantage of that and put us in situation knowing full well that 50% wouldnt agree with them but that was ok since 50% would and as the attitude shifted they just ignored us because the wheels were already set in motion...illustrated by the famous quote from Dick Cheney VP of the United States of America when asked what he thought about most Americans not agreeing with war policy he basicaly said..."So!"
Regardless of your affinity the reality is that we all want our conservative lifestyle back. We want income, house, health insurance and wealth. The harsher reality is that right now the American Dream is more a DREAM than a reality. There are people working full time and not making ends meet. That doesnt make sense.
To me there are two American Dreams
1. Work Hard, make a living, buy a home, raise a family, save and retire.
2. Work Hard, Worl Smart. build a business, give people jobs so that they can do the above and gain wealth.
The Reality is that there are hard working 1's out there that are not making it. There are young men and women who are working in the military that are not making it.
When two kids fall in love and one of them decides that they can't continue the relationship because it doesn't financially work even though both people are working...something has to change.
There is a disconnect between how hard we work and the financial results that we have in this country and that has to change. We need to reconnect to that reality again and in doing so we can all live the fairly conservative life again and then idealically back whatever your party affiliation is...
I still want to go to
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