The New Influencers by Paul Gillan is about this new media that I seem to be a part of. Social Media Sites, blogging and podcasting and how it's influence is felt in the marketplace.
Search Engines have become the most immediate tool for CREDIBILTY in this new world of media. I mean let's face it when you heard about a new product before the internet you'd most likely go to the store or ask for referrals.
Now if someone is searching for you or your product or service they will most likely go to a search engine. In searching as many credible links and third party endorsements or stories as possible is ideal. It seems as though a reference is a reference no matter if it comes from CNN a Blog or a podcast.
More and more companies are realizing that a link is a link no matter what. The bottom line is that you have to get as many people writing about, using, becoming raving fans as possible, no matter who they are.
It's just that now a simple fan can have a lot more influence than ever before. Like me a juggler with a blog =).
David Kamatoy is an Entertainer and Entrepreneur with a Blog and Podcast. He currently juggles many company, client and joint ventures marketing with, social media development, music production, media and business development. If you would like to discuss a project he can be contacted at 1-866-352-6564 or via email