is now using the Teoma technology which is a search engine that searches by CONCEPT not just KEYWORD...Cool!
Teoma,, Apostlos Gerasoulis aka AG.( That guy in the Commercials) Finally I get the real story...
Whats Teoma, you ask? You could ask Jeeves but he's become...Teoma
- Kevin Maney USA TODAY
I don't know about you but I used to be a Yahoo Search guy. I now predominately use Google and occasionally Dogpile because its a great way to see what everyone is doing.I used which now I need to take another look at.
I am amazed that they are still making a play for the Internet Search Engine market. This could be a case of the VHS tape Vs Beta. Beta tape was a format that was superior but eventually lost to the dominant VHS which is now disappearing as noted by the incredible pile of dust on my VCR.
Today in Kevin Maneys Article in USA Today about Teoma and Ask,com he tells the quick story of Teoma, and a brief history. This Teoma Technology seems WAY COOL!!! The question is will it be a hit. Or enough of a hit to keep in the game.
I hope so. While yes, I use Google. I like having options. In addition from a marketing standpoint these lesser search engines help you advertise to a smaller database without chopping off an arm to do so. As more and more marketing goes to the web. The prices will rise, its just that simple. So Check out I will.