San Diego, CA- I spent the better part of last weekend in the Alameda, Oakland, Sacramento Area. I had a juggling gig, a meeting with my music producer and visited and stayed with my Nephew in Sacramento.
Needless to say I had to go through the insanity of DIRECTIONS. I did google maps etc. and had to deal with the extremely specific directions as well as the reality of optional routes.
This of course led to a reminder of when I heard on tour before map websites and navigation boxes were all the rage. Whn you still tried to fold a map. This is where the cast of Robin Hood coined this phrase for a U-turn, because we took a wrong turn and had to turn around...
"First Circle of the Day"
The last day of the trip was definitly my highest circle day at a total of 5 Circles of the Day.
Anyway my Buddy Kevin Maney at USA Today write this article check it out.
Drivers of tomorrow won't get mad at traffic, they'll get around it
Yes I want one.